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How GiftHoney works

Need help buying gifts?
  1. Browse gifts
    Chocolate, a staycation or a spa session? Go crazy!
  2. Pay with ease
    PromptPay, mobile or internet banking – your choice!
  3. Send gift
    Via LINE, WhatsApp, Messenger or email. No delivery address required!

Let’s redeem gifts!
  1. Receive QR code
    And thank your friend! You’re obviously their favourite.
  2. Go to the store
    The store details will be below the QR code. Allow the store to scan the QR code for gift redemption.
  3. Enjoy your gift!
    Yay! Best gift ever?

Need help buying gifts?
  1. Browse gifts
    A cup of coffee, a staycation or a pamper session? Go crazy!
  2. Pay with ease
    Pay easily via PromptPay (mobile banking) or credit/debit card – your choice!
  3. Send gift
    Via LINE, WhatsApp, Messenger or email. No delivery address required!

Let’s redeem gifts!
  1. Receive QR code
    And thank your friend! You’re obviously their favourite.
  2. Go to the store
    The store details will be below the QR code. Allow the store to scan the QR code for gift redemption.
  3. Enjoy your gift!
    Yay! Best gift ever?
Questions? We're here to help.

See how to use.