Gift-shopping is now 100% digital, easy & fun!

How to use GiftHoney

Choose your gift

Our gifts range from products (snacks, coffee, headphones) to experiences (massage, spa, staycation).

Pay with ease

Pay for the gift easily via Promptpay, mobile or internet banking. No additional surcharge!

Send gift

Send your gift via LINE, WhatsApp, Facebook or email. No delivery address required!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ever felt awkward asking for someone’s address when you wanted to surprise them with a gift?

Or maybe you wanted to send a gift to Thailand, but shipping was too expensive and unreliable?

GiftHoney is Thailand’s first and only digital gift platform that lets you send gifts without needing a delivery address. (Privacy much? Yes, please!)

We offer a wide range of products and activities from various local vendors, which you can send as gifts via QR codes. Whether it’s a spa day, a gourmet meal, or a unique experience, GiftHoney has you covered.

Ideal for both local and international customers, GiftHoney ensures your gifts reach their recipients quickly and securely, without the hassle of shipping.

With GiftHoney, you can make someone in Thailand feel loved every day.

Send your gift to Thailand with the 3 easy steps below.

Browse: Choose gifts ranging from products (birthday cupcakes, a cup of coffee, art work) to experiences (spa session, hair treatment, hotel staycation). 

Pay: Click “Send Gift” buton to be directed to the payment page. Pay for your gift on GiftHoney with credit, debit cards or PromptPay. No additional fees and no delivery address required when using GiftHoney – yay!

Gift: After payment, you will be redirected to a page with your gift link. Copy the gift link and send to your recipient! 

Congrats – your gift is delivered! Redeem instructions will be on the gift link for your recipient to redeem easily.

Simply pay for the gift itself. No subscription and no additional surcharge for using GiftHoney – yay!

No address is ever required. You can either copy and paste the link or share your gift via social media platforms such as LINE, WhatsApp, Messenger or email.

Currently, only single gift purchases are possible as each order generates a unique QR code for individual vendors to scan.

This may change in the future. Sign up for our mailing list to stay updated!

To purchase and send a gift:

While you can purchase and send gifts without an account, we recommend you to create an account in order to track your gift purchases.

To redeem a gift:

Absolutely no account creation required.

Redeeming gifts with GiftHoney is simple and straightforward. 

Here’s how it works:

  1. 1. Receive the Gift: The recipient will receive a gift link, which includes a unique QR code.
  2. 2. Visit the Vendor: The recipient visits the participating vendor’s location or contacts them if pre-booking is required.
  3. 3. Present the QR Code: The recipient presents the unique QR code to the vendor.
  4. 4. Enjoy the Gift: The vendor scans the QR code, and the recipient enjoys their gift!

This process ensures a smooth and secure redemption experience, making it easy for your loved ones to enjoy their gifts.

Yes, as long as they will be in Thailand within the gift validity period. Each gift is valid for redemption at physical stores within specific period (30-60 days) from date of purchase (NOT date of gift share). 

Please review validity period upon check out to confirm. 

It is! GiftHoney offers a wide variety of gifts from local vendors, including experiences, products, and services that cater to everyone.

With instant delivery, Thailand-based and international customers can conveniently send thoughtful gifts to their friends and loved ones in Thailand, without needing a delivery address.

Payments could fail due to the following reasons:

1. You accidentally entered incorrect credit/debit card details like name on the card, card number, CVV, 3D secure PIN and expiry date. In the case all the information is correct and you are still not able to complete your payment, please contact customer support at
2. The payment was declined by your bank or credit card provider. In this case please contact your bank or credit card provider for more information or try with a different card.