Be a gift.

It's somebody's birthday everyday. List your business on GiftHoney for anyone to buy your products as gifts. Zero activation fees - nada!
Why Vendors Join GiftHoney

Global Exposure

Gain international visibility – have customers from around the world shop your products as gifts.

Increased Foot Traffic

See more local visitors to your physical store by turning it into a digital gift redemption hub.

Pay once you earn.

Zero upfront costs. We find customers for you, and our fee is a share of the sales you make. We earn when you earn.

No Delivery or Shipping Hassle

Customers can gift without needing to know recipient addresses, making it easier for them to buy your products.

Highly Rated & Recommended
Vendors on our platform are thoughtfully chosen and endorsed by our community members throughout Thailand.
Quality, Not Quantity
We celebrate quality over quantity, ensuring an elegant, uncluttered platform for your products and services.
Want to be part of a movement reshaping the way people show love and kindness?